Surfing is the ULTIMATE journey that symbolizes your life! Discover your personal breakthrough NOW!
Tired of Covid isolation? Taking bookings now to get over your Covid blues.
Book your surfing breakthrough experience today. This is an extremely unique opportunity of a lifetime to tap into your own personal flow state at will to attract what you really want and need in your life. Beginner surfers welcome! Book your surfing breakthrough experience today.
Covid has certainly brought a lot up for us all. This experience is designed to use the circumstances and realizations you have been given in this unprecedented time as an opportunity to live into your best self. These are crazy times and we MUST adapt. NOW is your time to LEVEL UP!
Jason has guided thousands of clients to breakthrough all manner of limiting beliefs and constricting paradigms to uncover their unique story and live their soul’s purpose using surfing and the ocean as a catalyst. He focuses on where the mind, body, and soul meet, developing practical and spiritual abilities by mastering the science of life through magical and radical mindset techniques and experiences. All this is designed to empower you to develop mastery in all areas of your life.
This breakthrough experience is more than a wellness retreat or athleisure. It is a custom made coaching, personal development, and retreat designed to get you to the next level in work, relationships, and life.
ROI: YOU are at the center of your business and life. The decisions, focus, and personal energy invested in YOU will attract or repel the life you want. Today people are too close to their problems to see them clearly. They are in a reactive mental state most of the time rather than acting and proactively planning their life.
That ends after this Experience…

There is no greater feeling than BREAKTHROUGH and true FLOWSTATE.
You attract EXACTLY where you are at in life. This is the law of QUANTUM PHYSICS. I am here to align you internally with what you really want so you can master the art of manifestation. There is no better way to do this than riding waves the way we will ride them together. There is no better way than doing this by enabling me to facilitate and construct your own unique anchors personal to you.
There is no better feeling than KNOWING you can change your state of being AT WILL.
But first I need to know what is blocking you.
Sign up now for a FREE consultation where we go over 5 key areas of your life: Personal Relationships, Professional Success, Mental Mastery, Health & Well Being, and Spiritual Growth & Motivation.
Personal Relationships

Professional Success

Mental Mastery

Spiritual Growth & Motivation

Health & Well Being

And discover the things that are blocking you like:
🚫 Fear
🚫 Inadequacy
🚫 Imposter Syndrome
🚫 Laws of Attraction & Repulsion
🚫 Stress Reactions
Real change comes from deep internal work COMBINED with a powerful experience that is fun and exciting. We make that happen together in the ocean and on a surfboard. With my unique catalysts it can happen INSTANTLY. It does not have to be a long drawn out process where you ” sit on a couch” and talk about your problems to “get through” them.
We develop a custom program that lasts as long as 6 months or as short as 30 days. This can include more experiences than just surfing such as rockclimbing, skydiving, ziplining, or swimming with whales etc…
Rock Climbing



Swimming With Whales

These experiences along with deeper self development and reflection are designed to help you overcome what is blocking you by facing challenge to get to THE BREAKTHROUGH. Every activity includes a number of exercises to strengthen your mind, body, and Spirit using different techniques such as:
✅ Meditation
✅ Visualization
✅ Breathwork
✅ NLP ( Neuro Linguistic Programming) Presencing
✅ Surfing Workouts and much more
Discover the ability to tap into your own personal FLOWSTATE then apply that to your daily life at will to experience magic and manifestation.
Ask yourself right now if you are living your best life. Even before COVID happened were you on track for your goals? Are you getting closer to those you love or farther apart? Is it time for real lasting change?
Is it time for your own personal breakthrough?
Take the first step today and book your first consultation to discover what your custom journey would look like.
Every day you wait you are one step farther from your next breakthrough and manifesting what you TRULY want.
I am taking advanced Summer/Fall sessions now and look forward to speaking with you to discover together how I can be of service. I only work with a limited amount of individuals to ensure I really serve everyone optimally. Please act fast as space is limited.
Surfing is the ULTIMATE journey that symbolizes your life my friend. I hope you choose to embrace it as I have. See you on the next wave of life…
Aloha… Jason